Camper's Name (required) Address Home Phone (required) Your Email (required)
Age at camp Date of Birth Gender Preferred Pronoun (He/She/They) Counselors only: School grade in Sept 2024 Parent/guardian name and phone number Parent/guardian name and phone number Special needs: Allergies, educational needs, etc.) Friend request (children are grouped by age, but we do our best to accommodate requests to be with a sibling or friend): IN CASE OF EMERGENCY: if parent cannot be reached, contact (include phone number): Please submit registration form along with fee by June 30. Fee can be paid online (see "VBS Payment" button adjacent). Checks should be made out to Concord Church, memo: VBS 2024, and mailed to Concord Church, 1800 Fairfax Blvd, Wilmington, DE 19803, ATT: Christina Pressley label> Click the "Submit" button to register.