From:                                             Concord Presbyterian Church <>

Sent:                                               Wednesday, November 20, 2024 7:31 PM


Subject:                                         Concord Connects - November 21, 2024


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November 21, 2024
Keeping you connected to the life and ministry of 

Concord Presbyterian Church!

Christ the King Sunday
November 24 @ 10:00am

"What Is a King?" - John 18:33-37
Pastor Eric Markman preaching

     We are coming to the end of the liturgical year, and on this day we celebrate Christ as King. We will explore: "What is truth?" Join us!
     Join us for IN-PERSON WORSHIP on Sunday at 10:00am; doors open at 9:40am. 

     To join in WORSHIP ONLINE this Sunday, November 24, click on the picture above to go to our Concord website. Near the bottom of the home page, click on the same picture to connect with the worship video. The worship service will be available live at 10:00am Sunday morning or later in the day to view at your convenience.




J.A.M. (Jesus and Me) for younger learners

SUNDAY SEEKERS (middle/high schoolers)
are combining forces to…


SUNDAYS at 10:15am in the Sunday School hallway
(following Wondering Time)
…how many books are in the Bible?
…what they are called?
…who and what is in them?
…where/how you can find the Bible stories you have learned about?

Join us as we put on our detective hats, collect clues, and continue to search for the answers to these questions and so much more through games and using our ever-expanding deductive skills!



youth group
11:30am-1:00pm every Sunday
Unless otherwise noted
We meet in the back of the sanctuary following Sunday worship and Gathering Time. 
Hoping to see you there…bring a friend!
Please click here to view an updated schedule.



Seamen’s Center of Wilmington

The goal of the Christmas at Sea Program is to give a ditty box (a shoebox filled with gifts) to every seafarer arriving in Delaware during the holiday season. Last year the Seamen's Center provided gifts to over 1,000 mariners. The boxes are filled with essentials (all full-sized), a hand-knit hat and scarf, and a few goodies.

The Mission & Congregational Life Committee invite you fill a large shoebox with the items below. We recommend you shop at your local Dollar Store to find the requested items at a very reasonable cost. If you cannot find all the items, don’t worry – we’re willing to provide the hard-to-find products.
Ditty Boxes should be brought to church by this Sunday, November 24.



Toothpaste/ Toothbrush

Cough Drops


Disposable Razors


Hand Lotion


Playing Cards

Sewing Kit


Shaving Cream

Soap (bars or gel)

Warm Socks

Winter Gloves

Knitted Hat & Scarf*

(Reminder: toiletries must be full-sized)



Prayer List 
 Prayers of sympathy for Maria Hess & family following the death of her mother MaryAnne Ezzi on Friday. (obit)
Condolences for the family of member David Hubinger, who passed away earlier this month. (obit)
Prayers for Kathie Pownall's friend Sue, suffering a recurrence of cancer.
Healing prayers for Kay Jewett's friend's brother Bob, diagnosed with a brain tumor. Will have surgery next week, followed by radiation & chemo.
Prayers for Rob Bates who had ear surgery yesterday - doing well.
Healing prayers for Lexi, daughter of Preschool Director Lori Schofield - diagnosed with a serious health issue & finishing up treatment in Philadelphia.
Healing prayers for Wayne Stahl who is now back at Kutz Home. Prayers also for Wayne's brother Gray, facing his own health issues.
A joy that Dottie Lund's sister will be visiting over the Thanksgiving holiday.
Another joy that Nancy Tucker will also have family visiting over the holidays.
Prayers of congratulations for Marj Johnson's daughter Cara, who did very well defending her dissertation last week.
Prayers for Carol Lind who has been in Wilmington Hospital for the past two weeks for heart, blood pressure & kidney issues, then follow up with rehab to gain strength & stamina. 

Prayers for the following list of people who are in our hearts as they deal with ongoing health struggles - Jo Ann, June, Ginnie M., Dan V., Duane, Craig E., Sue, Eileen, Rita & Dawn.
Wishing all a Happy Thanksgiving!

If you would like to add names/needs to this list and our ministry of prayer, please email or fill out a "Prayers of the People" card at the Sunday service and hand to a greeter during the offering. 




Spiritual Formation is looking for donations of cookies or bars (homemade or store bought) for the Adventfest luncheon on Sunday, December 8.  You may drop them off in the kitchen before worship on December 8 OR bring them to church sooner, clearly marked “Adventfest”, and place in the church freezer.  Thank you!




Our weekly MUG & MUFFIN Bible study will not be held next week due to the Thanksgiving holiday. We will meet again via Zoom on Wed., December 4 from 10:00-11:00am, led by Pastor Eric Markman. To join the Zoom gathering ONLINE, click on this link



Supporting Past, Present, and Future Leaders

The Christmas Joy Offering has been a cherished Presbyterian tradition since the 1930s. The Offering distributes gifts equally to the Assistance Program of the Board of Pensions and to Presbyterian-related schools and colleges equipping communities of color. The Assistance Program provides critical financial support to church workers and their families. Presbyterian-related schools and colleges provide education and leadership development while nurturing racial and ethnic heritage. This has been a Presbyterian commitment for nearly 140 years.

The Christmas Joy Offering will be received throughout the month of December. Envelopes are available in the pews or you can donate online.



Wanted: Cookie Bakers for the Messiah Concert Reception

Bakers, please let Dottie Lund ( know how many cookies you are providing. If you want to bake early, you can put cookies in the church freezer in the kitchen. Please label clearly for "MESSIAH."



Guatemala Literacy Program

     The Mission Committee of Concord’s Session has begun an involvement with the New Castle Presbytery’s Guatemala Partnership. We hosted a dinner in October for about 30 people to hear what CEDEPCA is currently doing in Guatemala and ways we might help.
     In addition, at the request of the Association of Mam Christian Women, we committed to fund a new literacy project for 15 students for 10 months in a remote, poor village in an area of Guatemala difficult to access. A description of this program is below. The cost of this project is $2,700.00 which covers teachers, teaching supplies, and student supplies.  We strongly believe that education and the ability to read is essential to further economic development for these women. 
     We hope you will join in our excitement about this project and will contribute financially to help cover the cost. Checks can be written to Concord Church with Guatemala Literacy Program in the memo, or you can Zelle the money to the church with the same designation in the memo. Thank you in advance for your generosity. 

Marj Johnson,
Mission & Congregational Life Committee

Program Description:
     Education is one of the most effective ways to reduce poverty, improve health, and achieve gender equality, peace and stability. Therefore, the Association sees the need for the minimum preparation of women in the village of Las Barrancas, located in a remote area of the Western Highlands of Guatemala.
     These women did not have opportunities to access education from childhood, however, they are currently interested in learning to read, write and speak the Spanish language. (Their first language is Mam, one of 23 indigenous languages spoken in Guatemala). The objective of this project is to contribute to the education of Guatemalans, using literacy as a way to highlight the education of older people who were unable to study a degree due to poverty, distance and other reasons. The government just began a literacy program for youth in this village but there is not enough funding to include the women. So the Association wants to be sure they also have this opportunity to learn.
     These literacy classes will be offered three days a week for half a day. The program will run for 10 months and include 15 students. The teacher/facilitator will be from Las Barrancas, so this project will provide income for her too. If they are able, students will be asked to pay a modest amount toward their supply cost, so they are invested in the course. However, no one will be turned away due to lack of funds.



Contributions for the Flower Fund for Christmas

If you would like to contribute to the Flower Fund for the upcoming holiday season, please make your check for $20/poinsettia payable to Concord Presbyterian Church, memo: “Christmas Flowers.” Place it in a designated envelope in the offering or the Church Office mailbox. Be sure to include a note stating how you wish the acknowledgment to read in the bulletin. Contributing to the grace and beauty of our Christmas decorations is a lovely way to remember or honor a loved one.



Our Mission Co-Worker has posted an update. Catch up on how God is at work in her part of the world.

Friday, November 15, 2024 8:19 AM

A Letter from Karla Koll, mission co-worker serving in Costa Rica | Winter 2024



Coming Soon...Share the Spirit!
Cock-a-doodle-do! Have we got a gift for you...
Stay tuned to find out how you can participate in the Guatemala Chicken Project during the month of December!






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