Sunday, January 19 @ 10:00am
"MLK" -
Exodus 3:7-12
Pastor Eric Markman
This Sunday we
will celebrate Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King’s birthday with
special music and chosen verses from the Bible. King had a dream
and we can share in that dream and envision an amazing future when
we invite our Lord to guide us to the Promised Land where, as King
said: "I have a dream that one day every valley shall be
exalted, every hill and mountain shall be made low, the rough
places will be made plain, and the crooked places will be made
straight, and the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all
flesh shall see it together. I have a dream that one day this
nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed. We
hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created
Join us for
IN-PERSON WORSHIP on Sunday at 10:00am; doors open at
To join in WORSHIP ONLINE this
Sunday, January 19, click on the picture above to go
to our Concord website. Near the bottom of the home page, click on
the same picture to connect with the worship video. The worship
service will be available live at 10:30am Sunday morning or later
in the day to view at your convenience.

J.A.M. (Jesus and Me)
Kindergarten through Grade 5
Children are led
through activities and crafts provided in the PCUSA lectionary
curriculum, Feasting on the Word,
that are in response to the scripture shared during Wondering

Grade 5 -12
This Bible Study
includes reading scripture together and then sharing responses in
a safe and welcoming environment.
***5th graders can choose to attend either

Please join Sinae
& friends here at Concord on Sunday or on Saturday, January 18
@ 6:00pm, Ware Recital Hall, 817 S. High St., West Chester
University. To watch Sunday's concert online, click here.

The LGBTQIA+ Task Force is hosting a Munch and Movie on Sunday, January 26
after church. We will watch "Will &
Harper" while munching on lunch in Jessie’s
Room. Childcare will be provided. The movie, a
documentary, is 1 hour 50 minutes long and rated R. It tells a
story that many of us can relate to. “When Will Ferrell
finds out that his close friend of 30 years is coming out as a
transwoman, the two decide to embark on a cross country road trip
to process this stage of their relationship in an intimate
portrait of friendship and transition.”
Come join us after
worship on the 26th as we continue
to learn more about the LGBTQIA+ experience.

Prayers of
sympathy for the family of Wayne Stahl. Wayne passed away on Sun., Dec. 29
following several months under hospice care. Details regarding his
memorial service are pending. Condolences will reach Wayne's
brother H. Gray Stahl at 9500 Wells Drive, Norfolk, VA 23503
Carol Lind's son Kevin Hall passed away Dec 18,
2024. He was 57 years old & left his wife
Kim and son Daniel.

Prayers for Kathie
Pownall's friend Sue (Lititz,
PA) - suffering from terminal cancer.
Healing prayers for Felleng Kalema, who
is currently undergoing chemotherapy for breast cancer. She will
have surgery & radiation following chemo.
Travel mercies for Marj Johnson, leaving
next Monday for Guatemala with a Presbytery committee.
Prayers for Gwen & Ralph Fuller,
dealing with health issues & Ralph's upcoming heart surgery.
Prayers of thanks for Al Lund & others from Concord (see
photos) who have been making repairs at Friendship House
transitional housing.
Prayers for the
following list of people who are in our hearts as they deal with
ongoing health struggles - Lexi, Jo
Ann, June, Ginnie M., Dan V., Duane, Craig E., Sue, Eileen,
Rita & Dawn.
Prayers for the homeless & others at risk due to the
extremely cold weather. Thanks to those (including
the Lunds, Liz Rowe, & Ellen Greenhorn) who have volunteered at
the Code Purple shelters.
Prayers for those in the Los Angeles area (including
Marj's grandson) where fires are raging & for those who
are battling the fires.
If you would like to add names/needs to this list
and our ministry of prayer, please email info@concordpc.org or
fill out a "Prayers of the People" card at the Sunday
service and hand to a greeter during the offering.
Mark your calendars for February…
Youth Group presents…

Soup2Go! 😉
Sunday, February 9 at 11:00am
After worship in
the gathering area at the back of church
up a $10 quart of homemade Minestrone soup
to enjoy in front of the game!
Proceeds go to:
Concord Youth Group Mission Trips & Conferences
Friendship House Highmark Walk
Middle School Conference

A group
of young people and adults from churches in New Castle Presbytery
will be attending the Massanetta Middle School conference June
19-22. The conference is open to rising 6th graders up
through rising 9th graders (just completed middle school). It is
a 4 day/3 night event with youth from various areas across the
U.S. There are fun activities, engaging workshops and Bible
studies, energizing worship experiences, and tons of fellowship!
If your “middler” is interested
in attending with Concord Church, please contact Christina
Pressley (concord.christinap@gmail.com
or 302-740-8078) for more information.

Travel to Guatemala!
Once again, a delegation from New Castle
Presbytery, including Marj Johnson from Concord, will travel to
Guatemala from January 20-27 and continue strengthening
partnerships there. This group of 12 travelers will represent 5
different churches in the Presbytery. Mary Hewes, the
executive director of YoungMoms, will also join us so
she can learn more about migration issues, Guatemalan culture, and
the hardships that many YoungMoms clients faced in their home
country. (Nancy Tucker is active with the Young Moms group). In
addition, PC(USA) Mission Co-Worker Joseph Russ will travel with
us. Based in El Salvador, Joseph is working on migration issues in
the Northern Triangle and will be a wealth of knowledge for
The group will first spend a day at the CEDEPCA office in Guatemala City
to meet the staff and learn more about the incredible work this
partner organization is doing. Then, we will travel out to Western
Highlands to visit with the Association of Mam Christian Women for
Development. Activities will include meeting with the
staff and Board of Directors and visiting women in rural
communities to see their projects including stoves, greenhouses,
reforestation, cows, and of course – chickens!
We also plan to stop by the AJPU workshop to see how the
stoves are made, visit the youth of the Utz Pan bakery that is
supported by a grant from the One Great Hour of Sharing offering,
and spend a night of brief R&R at Lake Atitlán.
Travel with
us! To follow along as we journey, please be sure to:
- Sign up for our daily travel blog so
you can see what we are doing each day!
- Attend Marj’s post-trip presentation on Sunday, February 16 following
Thank you for holding the group up in
prayer for a safe and meaningful trip. Vaya con Dios! To learn
more about the Guatemala Partnership of New Castle Presbytery,
please visit ncpguatemala.com

Chicken Dinner!
A huge THANK YOU to Concord members who
donated over $1,145 to the Guatemala Chicken Project in December.
Hopefully, those of you who got a Delaware Blue Hen have it
proudly displayed. Don't forget, the project is ongoing during
January, so you still have time to donate and receive a Blue Hen.
See the Red Barn donation table at the rear of the Sanctuary on
Sunday mornings.
& Congregational Life Committee

Weds. @ 10:00am via Zoom
Our weekly MUG
& MUFFIN Bible study meets again on Wed.,
January 22 from 10:00-11:00am, led by Pastor
Eric Markman. To join the Zoom gathering ONLINE,
click on this link.

Mary Circle, the last remaining Women's
Circle at Concord, meets the first Monday of the month from
1-2:30pm, usually in the Sanctuary Lounge but occasionally by
Zoom. Next month we will be starting a new Horizons Bible Study
book, entitled Let Justice Roll Down – God's
Call to Care for Neighbors and All Creation.
On Feb. 3 we will be starting the new book, and they will be
distributed at that time. Extra copies will be available for
anyone who wishes to join us. Cost of the book is $10.
Please bring the money to give to Peggy Carter at that time.
All who identify as women are welcome to join us in a safe space
not only for Bible study, but also to be part of a group whose
members support and uphold each other with love and care. We
look forward to having you join us.
Mary Circle

Concord Preschool
registration for next year opens for current students, their
families, and church members on January 21. This includes
registration for full-day Kindergarten. Contact the Preschool
Office at 302/654-9629 for information or to arrange a tour.
Registration will open to the public
beginning January 27.
Concord Photo Gallery
us your activities, vacations, special occasions, children
or pets being adorable...! If you have photos you'd be
willing to share with your Concord family, please send them to Margaret. We'll
try to include your photos in Concord Connects as space permits.

A group of six from
Concord (Al Lund, Jim Silvius, Chip Hazel, Marj Johnson, Don
Potter, and John Barineau) did spackling and painting work at
Friendship House Epiphany House and three other transitional
housing locations. It was a pleasure working under the kind
guidance of Paul Slowik of FH. We plan to go back in the
Spring to tackle other needs.

Statement re Protection Policies
Concord is required by the Book of Order
to inform and train the congregation on how we protect the people
within our church community. This year, both the Child Protection
Policy and the Adult Protection
Policy were updated by Spiritual Formation and Staff
Relations respectively, and they are currently on the website
with a link to both policies on the front page at the bottom
The Adult Protection Policy states that respect for
the dignity and worth of each individual is a basic tenet of
Concord Presbyterian Church. It is the policy of Concord to
maintain a safe and respectful environment, free from any form of
sexual misconduct, abuse, or harassment for everyone including
non-ordained staff and non-employees such as volunteers, church
members, visitors, vendors, and contractors. Ordained staff
members are subject to a similar policy of the New Castle
All staff and officers of the church are required to
read and agree with this policy and are charged with reported
suspected occurrences of abuse or harassment to the Head of
Staff, or the Chair of Staff Relations or the Clerk of Session.
All reported or suspected occurrences of abuse or harassment will
be promptly and thoroughly investigated with sensitivity and
concern for confidentiality. Where abuse or harassment is
determined to have occurred, Concord will take appropriate action
to correct the conduct before it becomes severe or pervasive.
The Adult Protection Policy compliments Concord’s
Child Protection Policy, which outlines detailed procedures for
supervising and protecting our children both within the church
and on youth projects and mission trips. It includes how to
recognize symptoms of child abuse, the requirement for education
and training of those working with children and youth, and
procedures for reporting abuse. Under Delaware law all those
working with children are required to report any suspicion of
child abuse or neglect, and within the church those suspicions
should be reported to the pastor, the Director of Children and
Youth Ministries, the Chair of Staff Relations, and the Chair of
Spiritual Formation.
The Child Protection Policy also states:
- We affirm that all children are a gift of God,
created by God and created good;
- We believe that all children depend upon adults
for safety and security in a world that does not always
value children;
- We hope for a world where all children can find a
safe place; where all ages, races, genders, creeds and
abilities are recognized, valued and celebrated;
- Jesus welcomed children and encouraged us to
welcome them in His name, and Jesus lifted up a child as an
example of what the realm of God is like;
- Therefore, we hope for a church where we take
seriously our baptismal vow to nurture all children
committed to our care.
Please take a look at these policies on
the website to inform yourself of our responsibilities and of our
commitment to providing a safe space for all our members and