in the synagogue of Nazareth, ca 1350. Artist: Anonymous
Found in the collection of the Visoki Decani monastery,
January 26 @ 10:00am
"WWJD?" - Luke
Pastor Eric Markman
As we move into the
new year, we also get to witness the beginning for Jesus’ ministry.
This Sunday we will be reading from the Gospel of Luke as Jesus
delivers his first sermon. The words are powerful and the crowd
reaction is a bit disconcerting. We get to hear what Jesus believes
and what his ministry will entail. Come and join us as we explore
what it means to live our faith in the world in which we live!
Join us for
IN-PERSON WORSHIP on Sunday at 10:00am; doors open at 9:40am.
join in WORSHIP ONLINE this Sunday, January 26, click on the picture above to go
to our Concord website. Near the bottom of the home page, click on
the same picture to connect with the worship video. The worship
service will be available live at 10:00am Sunday morning or later
in the day to view at your convenience.

J.A.M. (Jesus and Me)
Kindergarten through Grade 5
Children are led through activities and crafts
provided in the PCUSA lectionary curriculum, Feasting on the Word, that are in response to
the scripture shared during Wondering Time.

Grade 5 -12
This Bible Study includes reading scripture
together and then sharing responses in a safe and welcoming
***5th graders can choose to attend either

LGBTQIA+ Task Force is hosting a Munch & Movie this Sunday, January 26 after church. We will
watch "Will & Harper" while munching on lunch in
Jessie’s Room. Childcare will be provided. The movie, a
documentary, is 1 hour 50 minutes long and rated R. It tells a
story that many of us can relate to. “When Will Ferrell
finds out that his close friend of 30 years is coming out as a
transwoman, the two decide to embark on a cross country road trip
to process this stage of their relationship in an intimate portrait
of friendship and transition.”
Come join us after
worship this week as we continue
to learn more about the LGBTQIA+ experience.

Concord member Wayne Stahl passed away on December 29
following a long illness. Wayne lived around the corner from the
church for many years, and was always willing to stop over and
assist sexton Cobb Burris with small jobs around the building or to
clean up and run the dishwasher following events. More recently,
Wayne lived at the Kutz Home, where he enjoyed watching baseball
and football, as well as visits from church members (especially if
accompanied by cookies).
A memorial service for Wayne will
be held Tuesday, January 28 at 1:00pm in the sanctuary, followed
by interment of his ashes in Concord's Memorial Garden. All are
invited to celebrate Wayne's life and reminisce with his family.

We are currently working
on a do-it-yourself, updated photo directory. Most
Sundays, Terri Jones will be taking photos in the front of the
sanctuary during Gathering Time. Stop by before or after
snacking to have your picture taken and to update your contact
We will be continuing this process
over the next few months, so don't worry if you can't make it
this week. Watch Concord Connects for future opportunities (maybe the Soup/Chili Cook-Off
& Chocolate Challenge?). Deacons will also be working on
getting current photos of our homebound members. Please don't be
concerned if you're not an "official" church member -
if you are part of our Concord Family, we want to include you!

Prayers of sympathy
for the family of Wayne Stahl. Wayne
passed away on Sun., Dec. 29 following several months under hospice
care. See article above for details regarding his memorial service.
Condolences will reach Wayne's brother H. Gray Stahl at 9500
Wells Drive, Norfolk, VA 23503
Carol Lind's son Kevin Hall passed away Dec 18, 2024. He
was 57 years old & left his wife Kim and son Daniel.

Condolences for the
family of Kathie Pownall's friend Sue Lefever (Lititz,
PA), who passed away this week after a recurring battle with
cancer. Healing prayers for Kathie's niece
Carlyn, hospitalized several times this year with
heart issues.
Prayers for Nancy Tucker’s uncle Karl Tucker, who
fell and had resulting surgery on Tuesday to fix a broken hip &
reduce fluid in his lungs.
Healing prayers for
Felleng Kalema, who is currently undergoing
chemotherapy for breast cancer. She will have surgery & radiation
following chemo.
Travel mercies for Marj Johnson, in
Guatemala with a group from NC Presbytery. (Sign up for their daily
travel blog so you can see what we are doing
each day!)
Prayers for Gwen & Ralph Fuller, dealing
with health issues & Ralph's upcoming heart surgery.
Grateful joy for the fantastic music performed by Sinae Yun
Lee & colleagues/friends this past Sunday afternoon. While
the weather discouraged some people from attending, there have been
282 views on YouTube as of Wednesday morning.
Prayers of appreciation
for the more than 300 PB&J sandwiches made by
youth & adults from the church & community for Friendship
House Code Purple as part of ‘Service Monday’ to honor Rev. Dr.
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Prayers for the homeless & others at risk due to the
extremely cold weather.
Prayers for the following
list of people who are in our hearts as they deal with ongoing
health struggles - Lexi, Jo
Ann, June, Ginnie M., Dan V., Duane, Craig E., Sue, Eileen,
Rita & Dawn.
If you would like to add names/needs to this list
and our ministry of prayer, please email info@concordpc.org or
fill out a "Prayers of the People" card at the Sunday
service and hand to a greeter during the offering.
Youth Group presents…

Soup2Go! 😉
Sunday, February 9 at 11:00am
After worship in the
gathering area at the back of church
up a $10 quart of homemade Minestrone soup
to enjoy in front of the game!
Optional sides - macaroni noodles, grated parmesan, 2
rolls ($1 each)
To pre-order, please email concord.christinap@gmail.com
Proceeds go to:
Concord Youth Group Mission Trips & Conferences
Friendship House Highmark Walk
Middle School Conference

A group of young people and adults from
churches in New Castle Presbytery will be attending the
Massanetta Middle School conference June 19-22. The conference is
open to rising 6th graders up through rising 9th
graders (just completed middle school). It is a 4 day/3 night
event with youth from various areas across the U.S. There are fun
activities, engaging workshops and Bible studies, energizing
worship experiences, and tons of fellowship!
your “middler” is interested in attending with Concord Church,
please contact Christina Pressley (concord.christinap@gmail.com or
302-740-8078) for more information.
Mark your calendars...

Gospel Music Sunday
Soup/Chili Cook-Off &
Chocolate Challenge
February 23, 2025
Join us for a wonderful Gospel music celebration in
worship followed by Concord’s annual fellowship event that supports
Concord Youth Group and the Friendship House Walk for Mission.
More details to come…!

A huge
THANK YOU to Concord members who donated over $1,145 to the
Guatemala Chicken Project in December. Hopefully, those of you
who got a Delaware Blue Hen have it proudly displayed. Don't
forget, the project is ongoing during January, so you still have
time to donate and receive a Blue Hen. See the Red Barn donation
table at the rear of the Sanctuary on Sunday mornings.
& Congregational Life Committee

Weds. @ 10:00am via Zoom
Our weekly MUG & MUFFIN Bible
study meets again on Wed., January 29
from 10:00-11:00am, led by Pastor Eric
Markman. To join the Zoom gathering ONLINE,
click on this link.

Circle, the last remaining Women's Circle at Concord, meets the
first Monday of the month from 1-2:30pm, usually in the Sanctuary
Lounge but occasionally by Zoom. Next month we will be starting a
new Horizons Bible Study book, entitled Let Justice Roll Down – God's Call to Care for Neighbors
and All Creation.
On Feb. 3 we will be starting the new book, and they will be
distributed at that time. Extra copies will be available for
anyone who wishes to join us. Cost of the book is $10.
Please bring the money to give to Peggy Carter at that time.
All who identify as women are welcome to join us in a safe space
not only for Bible study, but also to be part of a group whose
members support and uphold each other with love and care. We
look forward to having you join us.
Mary Circle

Concord Preschool registration for next year
opened for current students, their families, and church
members on January 21. This includes registration for full-day
Kindergarten. Contact the Preschool Office at 302/654-9629 for
information or to arrange a tour.
Registration will open to the public beginning
January 27.
Photo Gallery
Show us
your activities, vacations, special occasions, children or
pets being adorable...! If you have photos you'd be willing
to share with your Concord family, please send them to Margaret. We'll
try to include your photos in Concord Connects as space

Many thanks to our
volunteers who braved the cold and snow on MLK Service Day 2025 to
make 360 sandwiches for folks attending Code Purple shelter at
SsAM’s during frigid cold temperatures! We were also able to
contribute 3 boxes of chicken noodle soup cans to this important
and life-saving ministry of Friendship House. ❤
**Dangerously cold temperatures will most likely return, so
please look for ways you can help support Friendship House Code
Purple in the coming weeks!

Greetings, Greeters!
We need your help to welcome worshipers, assist in receiving the offering
& straighten up the pews following worship.
Families & friends are always
welcome to serve as greeters together; only one person needs
to sign up. To volunteer online, visit
As always, thanks for your smiles and
greetings on Sunday mornings!
Peace, Raven Studer
(she/her) - 610-324-1294
Special Edition of New Castle
Presbytery Stated Clerk Training: First-Hand Experience on the
Ground in the West Bank and Jerusalem
Thursday, January 30, 5 p.m. via Zoom
Presented by Westminster member Kara Francis
than one year into the Israel-Hamas war, we know that people in
Gaza are living in dire conditions, facing death, starvation,
malnutrition, and disease. Palestinians in the West Bank are
also suffering the impacts of the war. Kara Francis, a longtime
WPC member, recently returned from a visit to the West Bank and
will share her observations, experiences, and conversations
with people and organizations there, about what life has been
like since October 7, 2023, for the millions of Palestinians
residing in the West Bank. This Zoom discussion is by
registration only. Further details and registration link can be
found on the Presbytery website.

To guarantee overnight accommodations for the annual
Bay Retreat, your registration must be received by
2/5/2025. View the Bay Retreat webpage for
registration details and more!
All are welcome to attend. If you are interested, please
speak with Marj Johnson or Nancy
Tucker to coordinate carpools, roommates, etc.