Supporting Concord’s Ministries
“As Concord Presbyterian Church, we commit ourselves to be a Christ-centered people of God.”
Generosity is one of the ways that we, as Christians, reflect the image of God in which we were created. Stewardship is how we choose to live in this world entrusted to our care –with the gifts we have, and the gifts we are.
Concord gratefully accepts financial donations to fulfill God’s missions in the world in a variety of ways:
- Pledges, and donations without specific designation, go into the General Fund which supports the staff, operation and maintenance of the facilities, and Worship, Christian Education and Membership activities of Concord Presbyterian Church.
- Benevolence offerings support missions, organizations and activities outside our congregation.
- Special Funds – support specific activities within the life of our congregation. For example, the Worship Music & Arts Funds provides funds to pay guest musicians and artists who perform during our worship service, and the Flower Fund supports the purchase of flowers or decorations for services in our Sanctuary.
- Legacy donations support the future of Concord via the Memorial Fund and the Endowment Fund.
Time and Talent
We give our whole selves – not just the resources we have, but the resources we are.
There are so many ways to live out one’s faith commitment generously —
- Within our walls – teaching, meal preparation, greeting worshipers, making music, planning events, visiting the sick, tending the Memorial Garden, knit a prayer shawl…
- Beyond our walls –Serving a meal at Emmanuel Dining Room, Andrew’s Place or Epiphany House, Making a blanket for foster kids through Fleece For Keeps
Repair homes, and rebuild lives on a mission trip